Saturday, December 24, 2011


 “This adventure has taught me a lot about myself and that humility makes all things easier"   
                                                                  From my journal
My thanks go to the following, without whom my adventure would never have taken place:

1485am Radio Today for helping make the trip happen. Without the station management none of this would have transpired.
Wild Frontiers: Debbie Addison, John Addison and Corné Duvenage, for putting the trip together.
John, Joy and Blake at for putting up with my endless e-mails and phone calls. Air Tanzania—otherwise it would have been a very long walk.
Sibusiso Vilane, my training mentor—your encouragement and support were an inspiration to me.
Auto Exclusive and Mark Levy—your support helped me raise R40,000.00 for Hospice Witwatersrand.
To the members of the team that climbed Kilimanjaro with me, thank you for you companionship and support. 
We had a great time, even if there were too many green peppers in every dish that we ate.
My guides, both spiritual and physical who helped me to see the sunrise from Stella Point and to stand at Uhuru Peak.
Steve Hofmyer. ‘Pampoen’ will never be the same! Baie dankie Steve.
James at Samsung; Neil at Hi-Fi Corporation—for helping me capture the images that you see in this Blog.
Trisch at Dischem,( Dis-Chem) without whom I would have been smelly and sick.
Kerry at Hewlett Packard—your product made it to the summit, and worked!
Bokomo for the breakfast bars and Benmore Meat for the "wors"
Dov Fedler—for your encouragement on many levels.
Ma, you have always been supportive of my endeavors, even if some have contributed to your grey hair.
My daughter, Jayne, for her ‘skop gat’ text messages

and for this encouraging letter...

My then fiancée, now my wife, Carolyn, from whom I have learned so much. 
Your love and support are the fuel that keeps me going

David Batzofin
February 2007/December 2011

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